Old Havana Tour

From: $60 Inc. VAT

This Old Havana tour is a great way to experience all the local attractions on foot. Designed for travellers that wish to emerge in the everyday life of Cubans that are living in Havana's historic center.

Tour at a glance

Tour type

Days of operation


Start time

9:00 a.m.

End time

1:00 p.m.



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Meals included


Drinks included


Minimum participants


About the tour

This Old Havana tour begins in the Capi­tol Build­ing of the city. Start­ing point of the vis­it the Egi­do Mar­ket, a typ­i­cal farm­ers mar­ket where the local buy their food. The Old Havana tour con­tin­ues along the famous Obis­po Street, one of the best known and most pleas­ant streets in Old Havana, with a stop at the famous El Floridi­ta Bar to taste a Cuban cock­tail. The Old Havana tour con­tin­ues along Mer­chants (Mer­caderes) street. Free time at Plaza Vie­ja for lunch (not includ­ed in price). After lunch we will vis­it oth­er places of inter­est in Old Havana: Chor­ro Alley, Plazuela del Angel and vis­it of the Socio — Cul­tur­al Project “Calle­jón de los Bar­beros”. We will be fin­ish­ing this Old Havana tour with a refresh­ing cocktail!

Old Havana Tour Main Attractions

Capitol Building (El Capitolio)

Built in 1929 as the new pres­i­den­tial and gov­ern­men­tal palace, this mag­nif­i­cent build­ing copies the design of the Capi­tol build­ing in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. The build­ing marks the 0 kilo­me­ter of Cuba’s high­way system!

Old Square (Plaza Vieja)

At the begin­ning, the “Old Plaza” was built in the 1500s. Back then it was a site of exe­cu­tions, pro­ces­sions, bull­fights and fies­tas. Since then, recent ren­o­va­tions have helped make this square and its sur­round­ing struc­tures among the most beau­ti­ful in Havana.

Bishop’s Street (Calle Obispo)

One of the best-known and most pleas­ant streets in Old Havana, this was the first street in Old Havana to be pedes­tri­an­ized and restored; it boasts a wide assort­ment of shops, cafes, and art displays.

El Floridita

Vis­it the bar where the Daiquiri was born! Ernest Hem­ing­way used to vis­it often the Cra­dle of the Daiquiri. His bronze stat­ue stands in the place he used to sit to enjoy his drinks. In 1953 Floridi­ta bar was one of the sev­en most famous bars in the world!

Merchants Street (Calle Mercaderes)

Its name most prob­a­bly derives from the fact that dur­ing Havana’s first years almost all mer­chants (mer­caderes in Span­ish) had set their shop on this street. As a result, along with Ofi­cios street, this is one of the most impor­tant lanes of the His­toric Cen­ter where restau­rants and shops converge.


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