General terms of use of the website

1. The Company

The Lim­it­ed Lia­bil­i­ty Com­pa­ny under the trade name “Sky­dream LTD” (hence­forth referred to as Sky­dream), which has its reg­is­tered offices in Athens (11 Pit­ta­ki Str, 105 54) has cre­at­ed the web­site for cus­tomers who wish to per­form their trans­ac­tions elec­tron­i­cal­ly and ben­e­fit from the offers pro­vid­ed by the online trans­ac­tion portal.

2. Acceptance of the General Terms of Transactions

The use of the web­site and the ser­vices ren­dered by Sky­dream are gov­erned by the fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Terms of Trans­ac­tions (GTT) com­bined with (a) the Spe­cial Terms and Con­di­tions of Sky­dream and (b) the terms of Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion that are on the same web­site and which com­prise an inex­tri­ca­ble part here­of. 
It should be not­ed that the GTT of Sky­dream are applied to all reser­va­tion orders made by cus­tomers through the afore­men­tioned por­tal
With each reser­va­tion or pur­chase of a prod­uct or of a ser­vice offered through, cus­tomers-users unre­served­ly accept the Gen­er­al and Spe­cial terms of par­tic­i­pa­tion in Sky­dream as men­tioned above.

3. Services – Scope of application of the GTT.

Sky­dream pro­vides an inter­net por­tal which offers tourist prod­ucts and ser­vices. In par­tic­u­lar, Sky­dream offers the fol­low­ing ser­vices to its customers:

1. Walk­ing tours with­in the cen­ter of Havana, to archae­o­log­i­cal sites, tourist attrac­tions and muse­ums for small groups and indi­vid­ual customers.

2. Tours in areas out­side Havana (Viñales, Cien­fue­gos, Trinidad, Cam­agüey, Bara­coa, San­ti­a­go de Cuba):
a. by bus or taxi cab or mini­van, accom­pa­nied by a tour guide.
b. by bus or taxi cab or mini­van with a local tour guide in each area.
c. with a local tour guide only in each area, with cus­tomers being respon­si­ble for their own transportation.

3. Orga­ni­za­tion of a com­pre­hen­sive tour for cus­tomers which includes:
a. trans­porta­tion by mini­van or bus or taxi cab .
b. tours at archae­o­log­i­cal sites and museums.
c. overnight accom­mo­da­tion at hotels or BB’s (Bed and Break­fast or Casas Particulares) .
d. meals at restaurants.

4. Lunch and din­ner at restau­rants in Cuba for indi­vid­ual cus­tomers and groups.
It should be made clear that Sky­dream does not ren­der the ser­vices offered itself; it medi­ates in the book­ing of these ser­vices (e.g. car hire, hotel reser­va­tions, casas par­tic­u­lares reser­va­tions, tick­et reser­va­tions, trav­el arrange­ments and oth­er tourist ser­vices) which are offered by the organizers/providers of each tourist ser­vice as men­tioned on the website.

The pur­chase or book­ing of prod­ucts or ser­vices through the web­site is pos­si­ble sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty of the spe­cif­ic prod­uct or ser­vice.
 When a reser­va­tion is made, the con­tract con­clud­ed exclu­sive­ly binds the cus­tomer and the provider of the spe­cif­ic prod­uct or ser­vice.
 Skydream’s ser­vice exclu­sive­ly con­sists of its medi­a­tion between the cus­tomer and the provider and its respon­si­bil­i­ty is lim­it­ed only to the ful­fill­ment of this ser­vice pro­vi­sion. Sky­dream does not make trav­el arrange­ments. The provider is sole­ly and exclu­sive­ly respon­si­ble for ful­fill­ing the con­tracts con­clud­ed via Sky­dream. Cus­tomers should refer to the gen­er­al terms of trans­ac­tions of the organizers/service providers.

4. Booking

By com­plet­ing the rel­a­tive fields in the respec­tive book­ing form on our web­site and after the book­ing process has com­plet­ed, cus­tomers shall have giv­en explic­it instruc­tion to Sky­dream to either ren­der the ser­vices which it offers or to medi­ate in the pro­vi­sion of a trav­el ser­vice which is offered by a provider or of any oth­er ser­vice which is relat­ed to travelling.

5. Confirmation of bookings, delivery of confirmation

When a book­ing has been made through Skydream’s web­site, cus­tomers will receive a con­fir­ma­tion of the book­ing via elec­tron­ic mail (email).
 Users shall be oblig­ed to IMMEDIATELY check the accu­ra­cy of the details of the con­fir­ma­tion (name, tour date, des­ti­na­tion, etc) and to inform Sky­dream of any errors or dis­crep­an­cies that there may be by com­par­i­son with the ini­tial book­ing infor­ma­tion entered by the cus­tomer. Errors and dis­crep­an­cies which are report­ed after a peri­od of 48 hours as of the receipt of the afore­men­tioned con­fir­ma­tion of the spe­cif­ic book­ing in ques­tion will not be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion. It should be not­ed that any errors and dis­crep­an­cies report­ed after the dead­line will, in no case what­so­ev­er, grant the right to with­draw from the contract.

6. Fee

Skydream’s fee is referred to in detail for all types of ser­vices offered on its web­page at

7. Method of payment

The method of pay­ment is described in detail for each of the ser­vices offered on the web­page. 
Only the pay­ment meth­ods stat­ed on the web­page shall be accepted.

8. Rejection of a booking

Sky­dream reserves the right to reject orders for a book­ing made by a cus­tomer, if the lat­ter has vio­lat­ed the terms of use of the website.

9. Provisions pertaining to passports, visas, foreign exchange and health regulations

Cus­tomers are oblig­ed to com­ply with Cuban leg­is­la­tion per­tain­ing to pass­ports, the issuance of visas, health reg­u­la­tions, etc. Cus­tomers may con­tact Sky­dream to request any rel­e­vant information.

10. Disclaimer

Sky­dream shall not be held liable to cus­tomers for infor­ma­tion and details that are relat­ed to ser­vices and prod­ucts offered by each provider. Sky­dream shall make all efforts pos­si­ble to check the infor­ma­tion pub­lished on its web­site for errors or inac­cu­ra­cies. How­ev­er, Sky­dream does not guar­an­tee the ade­qua­cy, accu­ra­cy, com­plete­ness or cur­rent valid­i­ty of this infor­ma­tion.
 In addi­tion, Sky­dream shall not be respon­si­ble for the non-avail­abil­i­ty of ser­vices or prod­ucts offered on the book­ing date, nor for the exe­cu­tion of the con­tract signed with the provider. In no case what­so­ev­er shall Sky­dream be respon­si­ble for actions, errors, omis­sions, war­ranties, breach­es or denials of any provider, nor for any injury, death, destruc­tion of prop­er­ty or any oth­er loss­es or com­pen­sa­tion or pecu­niary sat­is­fac­tion and expens­es that may arise for any rea­son that is relat­ed to the oper­a­tion and use of the web­site and of the infor­ma­tion, of prod­ucts and ser­vices offered by any provider or from any unau­tho­rized inter­ven­tions by third par­ties in the prod­ucts, ser­vices or infor­ma­tion that are made avail­able on this website.

Sky­dream shall not be liable and shall not indem­ni­fy any per­son against strikes, force majeure or any oth­er rea­son that is not under its direct control.

Fur­ther­more, it shall not be held liable to pay com­pen­sa­tion for any addi­tion­al expense, omis­sion, delay, change of route, or action or omis­sion by any gov­ern­men­tal author­i­ty.
 Sky­dream makes all pos­si­ble efforts to ensure the smooth oper­a­tion of the web­site with­out guar­an­tee­ing the prop­er oper­a­tion and suit­abil­i­ty of the soft­ware or the prod­ucts and ser­vices offered, or that it will func­tion with­out inter­rup­tion, or that it will be free of virus­es or any oth­er sim­i­lar ele­ments. The same applies to oth­er infor­ma­tion includ­ed on this web­site which is pro­vid­ed by third par­ties.
 This web­site con­tains links to third par­ty web­sites. The infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed here­in is sub­ject to ongo­ing changes. Sky­dream or its asso­ciates shall reserve the right to mod­i­fy the web­site at any giv­en time.

11. User (customer) responsibility

The use of this web­site must be made exclu­sive­ly for law­ful pur­pos­es and in a law­ful man­ner so that its use by third par­ties is not restrict­ed or pre­vent­ed. Cus­tomers shall be oblig­ed to use the web­site in accor­dance with the law, the prin­ci­ples and the cur­rent terms here­in and they shall not per­form actions or omis­sions that may harm or cause the website’s mal­func­tion, nor affect or endan­ger the pro­vi­sion of Skydream’s ser­vices. 
By using this web­site, cus­tomers guar­an­tee that they are at least 18 years of age and that they com­ply with the law­ful con­di­tions for use of this web­site. Cus­tomers shall be oblig­ed to super­vise and under­take the respon­si­bil­i­ty for use of this web­site by under age per­sons in their name or on their (the customer’s) behalf. In addi­tion, they shall guar­an­tee the accu­ra­cy and com­plete­ness of all infor­ma­tion and details per­tain­ing to the per­son or to mem­bers of their fam­i­lies, which are dis­closed with­in the scope of this website’s use.
 Any book­ing made for prof­it-seek­ing, decep­tive pur­pos­es, or with intent to defraud or made with the aim of increas­ing demand is pro­hib­it­ed. The book­ing of prod­ucts or ser­vices through this web­site is per­mit­ted only for law­ful book­ings and pur­chas­es made in the name of the cus­tomer or with respect to oth­er per­sons, in the name of and on whose behalf the cus­tomer is enti­tled to act. Cus­tomers agree that any abuse of the ser­vices of Skydream’s web­site may lead the spe­cif­ic cus­tomer being banned from access to the ser­vices of the website.

12. Copyright, trademarks

Copy­right and any oth­er pro­tect­ed rights per­tain­ing to this web­site are held by Sky­dream. The con­tent of this web­site is exclu­sive­ly owned by Sky­dream, except where third par­ty own­er­ship is explic­it­ly stat­ed. The name “Sky­dream”, includ­ing all its trade­marks, logo­types and any graph­ic designs depict­ed on the web­site are owned by Sky­dream or by third par­ties. 
It is pro­hib­it­ed to copy, dis­trib­ute, trans­fer, alter, resell, cre­ate deriv­a­tive works or mis­lead the pub­lic regard­ing the actu­al provider of the web­site con­tent. Any repro­duc­tion, re-issue, upload­ing, announce­ment, dif­fu­sion or trans­mis­sion and any oth­er use of the con­tent in any man­ner what­so­ev­er and with any means what­so­ev­er for com­mer­cial or oth­er pur­pos­es is per­mit­ted only upon Skydream’s pri­or con­sent or upon agree­ment with any oth­er hold­er of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights.

13. Applicable law

Greek law exclu­sive­ly gov­erns the rela­tions between cus­tomers of this web­site and Sky­dream, with the excep­tion of reg­u­la­tions of pri­vate inter­na­tion­al law.
 The courts of Athens shall be com­pe­tent to set­tle any dif­fer­ences that may arise between the counterparties.

14. Amendment to the General Terms of Transaction

Sky­dream reserves the right to amend and/or renew the afore­men­tioned terms of trans­ac­tion regard­ing the use of this web­site at any giv­en time with a future effec­tive date with­out oblig­a­tion to inform cus­tomers accord­ing­ly. The gen­er­al terms of trans­ac­tion shall appear on the web­site as in force at that giv­en time. Sub­se­quent use of the web­site fol­low­ing an amend­ment to the gen­er­al terms of use con­sti­tutes accep­tance by the cus­tomer of the respec­tive amend­ment.
 The valid­i­ty of the afore­men­tioned terms may not be lim­it­ed by any pos­si­ble con­tra­dic­to­ry terms of trans­ac­tion on the part of the cus­tomer. Amend­ments and addi­tions of these terms shall be valid only when they have been agreed upon by a legal rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Sky­dream. Amend­ments and addi­tions to these terms, includ­ing addi­tion­al agree­ments shall be made in writ­ing. Deliv­ery via fax or e‑mail is equiv­a­lent to the rela­tion­ship between coun­ter­par­ties defined by means of a writ­ten document.

Tours special terms & conditions

Programs offered by Skydream

All details of tours, pri­vate tours, food tours & cook­ing lessons offered by Sky­dream are described on the web­site

Sky­dream pro­grams require the par­tic­i­pa­tion of 2 per­sons min­i­mum. This num­ber may vary in cer­tain pro­grams. You may see the min­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants per pro­gram, in detail, on our web­site. Sky­dream reserves the right to can­cel a pro­gram at any giv­en time, up to 24 hours before the tour com­mences and for any rea­son what­so­ev­er, includ­ing cas­es where the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants is insuf­fi­cient for the pro­gram to take place. In the unlike­ly event that a pro­gram is can­celled by Sky­dream, par­tic­i­pants will receive a full refund of their pay­ment or they will be enti­tled to resched­ule the pro­gram on anoth­er date. In this case, Sky­dream shall not be held liable for any expens­es, includ­ing air­line tick­et costs or oth­er per­son­al expens­es incurred by cus­tomers.
 With regard to all pro­grams (tours) Sky­dream reserves the right to change the routes, if the route is dis­rupt­ed or if real­iza­tion of the pro­gram is pre­vent­ed by unfore­seen cir­cum­stances beyond the con­trol of Sky­dream, such as, for exam­ple, road clo­sures in the cen­ter of Havana or oth­er cities.

Payment of fees

The pro­gram fees, as they are described per pro­gram and which include all expens­es and fees of Sky­dream, shall be paid in advance and they shall be bind­ing. By law, val­ue added tax must be levied on the fee. If pro­grams are paid for in advance over the Inter­net, cus­tomers will not incur any fur­ther charges. Sky­dream shall reserve the right to change the fee for any of its ser­vices at any giv­en time. In the event that the fee is reduced, cus­tomers will not be enti­tled to a refund of any dif­fer­ence that may arise.
 Cus­tomers may pay for all pro­grams via Pay­pal by pur­chase of an order through the web­site or by card at least one week before the agreed pro­gram takes place. In all cas­es, the fee per pro­gram does not include any cus­tomer trav­el costs or admis­sion fees or any oth­er cost for ser­vices that are not express­ly stat­ed here­in, but which are nec­es­sary to car­ry out the program.

Cancellations & Refunds

Guid­ed walk­ing tours take place on a dai­ly basis and are not sub­ject to changes due to weath­er con­di­tions, as Havana is sun­ny almost all year round
. Our pro­grams do not take place on offi­cial hol­i­days (Decem­ber 25 & 26, New Year’s Day, Good Fri­day until 12:00 hrs, East­er Sunday).

In the event that a cus­tomer has can­celled a reg­u­lar tour in writ­ing, the fol­low­ing penal­ty claus­es shall here­by be agreed upon:
 Up to 15 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour: The cus­tomer shall not incur a penal­ty charge, apart from the charge due to Sky­dream for the trans­ac­tion fee of 4%. Between 14 and 7 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour: The cus­tomer shall incur 50% of the amount payable for the tour as a penal­ty charge, plus any oth­er expens­es, i.e. cred­it card charges or can­cel­la­tion charges for means of trans­porta­tion that may have been reserved for the tour. Less than 6 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour or if cus­tomers do not show up at the agreed meet­ing point: 100% of the amount payable shall be with­held as com­pen­sa­tion for the can­cel­la­tion of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the pro­gram.  If the tour is can­celled by Sky­dream, no com­mis­sion is kept.

Please note that Sky­dream does all refunds 4 weeks after the can­cel­la­tion date.

Private tours

In the event that a cus­tomer has can­celled a per­son­al (pri­vate) tour in writ­ing, the fol­low­ing penal­ty claus­es shall be agreed upon:
 Up to 15 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour: The cus­tomer shall not incur a penal­ty charge, apart from the charge due to Sky­dream for the use of a cred­it card. Between 14 and 7 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour: The cus­tomer shall incur 50% of the payable amount of the tour as a penal­ty charge, plus any oth­er expens­es, i.e. cred­it card charges or can­cel­la­tion charges for means of trans­porta­tion that may have been reserved for the tour. Less than 6 days pri­or to the sched­uled tour or if cus­tomers do not show up at the agreed meet­ing point: 100% of the amount payable shall be with­held as com­pen­sa­tion for the can­cel­la­tion of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the program.

If, unex­pect­ed­ly, on the date of the tour, unfore­seen events make the com­ple­tion of the pro­gram impos­si­ble (e.g. strikes of employ­ees at archae­o­log­i­cal sites), Sky­dream shall con­sult with the cus­tomers and do every­thing pos­si­ble to offer an alter­na­tive solu­tion. If an alter­na­tive solu­tion is not found or agreed upon, then either Sky­dream or the cus­tomer may can­cel the tour. In the event that a tour is can­celled for any of the above rea­sons, Sky­dream shall refund the full amount paid by the cus­tomer for the tour and 50% of the amount payable for the can­cel­la­tion of any means of trans­porta­tion, if such has been reserved for the tour.

Refunds take place 4 weeks after the can­cel­la­tion date. 4% com­mis­sion is kept for trans­ac­tion fees for refunds if you can­cel the tour. If the tour is can­celled by us, no com­mis­sion is kept.


It should be not­ed that arrange­ments for access or overnight accom­mo­da­tion, trans­porta­tion, restau­rants and oth­er places in Cuba may dif­fer from those that exist in the rest of Europe or the U.S.A. Many BB’s (Bed and Break­fasts or Casas Par­tic­u­lares) are small or refur­bished old build­ings and there may not be an ele­va­tor. Streets may present dif­fi­cul­ties dur­ing walk­ing tours. Access for per­sons with spe­cial needs is not guar­an­teed. Pub­lic areas may not be acces­si­ble to per­sons with spe­cial needs. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in walk­ing tours and tours requires a min­i­mum phys­i­cal con­di­tion, such that you are in the posi­tion to walk uphill or climb stairs. Kind­ly inform us if you have a med­ical or phys­i­cal lim­i­ta­tion or are under­go­ing a med­ical treatment.

Although Sky­dream will always make every effort to ensure safe com­ple­tion of walk­ing tours and tours and to pro­vide its cus­tomers with a pleas­ant excur­sion, it will not be liable for the per­son­al safe­ty of par­tic­i­pants, or for the safe­ty of per­son­al items, nor for unfore­seen events and inci­dents that Sky­dream can­not con­trol, pre­vent or avoid, includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) acci­dents, thefts and ill­ness­es dur­ing the walk­ing tour or the tours. Each par­tic­i­pant shall be ful­ly respon­si­ble for his/her per­son­al health, med­ical needs and safety.

We advise you to check your insur­ance con­tract in order to deter­mine whether you are cov­ered and to clar­i­fy what your trav­el insur­ance cov­ers in the case of trips abroad.

The pay­ment of the fee means that you unre­served­ly agree that you are healthy enough to be able to par­tic­i­pate in Sky­dream pro­grams and that you have informed Sky­dream of any spe­cial med­ical, phys­i­cal or nutri­tion­al require­ments that might affect your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the pro­grams as announced by Sky­dream. You should be aware that med­ical care and ser­vice facil­i­ties abroad may be dif­fer­ent from those you are accus­tomed to and that they may be inad­e­quate for your treat­ment. Please ensure that you have tak­en all the nec­es­sary med­ica­tion you may require with you when trav­el­ling abroad. Sky­dream is not in the posi­tion to guar­an­tee the avail­abil­i­ty of spe­cial accom­mo­da­tion or appro­pri­ate access for per­sons with spe­cial needs with­in our pro­grams. Please con­tact us to dis­cuss any cir­cum­stances which might affect your trip or that of oth­er par­tic­i­pants in the program.

Sky­dream reserves the right to refuse par­tic­i­pa­tion to any per­son whose health may pre­vent or dis­rupt any of the pro­grams, at its absolute discretion.

Dietary Restrictions and allergies

Please con­tact us to dis­cuss any aller­gies, dietary require­ments or restric­tions you may have. Giv­en the nature of the pro­grams, we are not in the posi­tion to guar­an­tee that all nutri­tion­al require­ments will be met; how­ev­er, we will make every effort to meet your needs. Sky­dream should be informed of any nutri­tion­al aller­gy or any dietary restric­tions you may have before the com­mence­ment of the program.

Participant Release of Liability

We would like to empha­size that we here­by pre­sume that you unre­served­ly accept that Sky­dream is not owned or man­aged by any per­sons who have any rela­tions what­so­ev­er with the facil­i­ties of sup­pli­ers, accom­mo­da­tions or the ser­vices you have cho­sen. Each indi­vid­ual par­tic­i­pant here­by agrees that Sky­dream and its rep­re­sen­ta­tives shall not be held respon­si­ble for any injury, dam­age, loss, acci­dent, delay or irreg­u­lar­i­ty what­so­ev­er, due to default by hotels, car­ri­ers, restau­rants or oth­er con­tract­ed ser­vices that Sky­dream secures for participants.

It is also empha­sized that we pre­sume that you unre­served­ly accept that Sky­dream pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make use of means of trans­porta­tion and that these activ­i­ties car­ry inher­ent dan­gers. Your par­tic­i­pa­tion of itself in these activ­i­ties, as orga­nized by Sky­dream or by its employ­ees, asso­ciates or sup­pli­ers, shall mean that you agree to the following:

You shall be respon­si­ble for adher­ence to the rules and the laws of the areas you are vis­it­ing. The rights and pri­va­cy of the rest of the par­tic­i­pants in the pro­gram in which you are tak­ing part shall be respect­ed by all. Sky­dream reserves the right to refuse the par­tic­i­pa­tion of a cer­tain per­son, before or even dur­ing the pro­gram, if it is deemed that such par­tic­i­pa­tion may pose a risk to the safe­ty and com­fort of the oth­er participants.

You agree to grant Sky­dream glob­al, roy­al­ty-free and full license to use your pho­tographs, video clips or dig­i­tal pic­tures in the adver­tise­ment of its pro­grams and/or for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es.
By reserv­ing a place in any of these pro­grams, you shall have auto­mat­i­cal­ly accept­ed the terms men­tioned here­in, con­firm that you have ful­ly under­stood them and have agreed to all of them.

Third party activities terms & conditions


Valid for the spe­cif­ic peri­od, each tour is oper­at­ed. All prices are sub­ject to mod­i­fi­ca­tion with­out pre­vi­ous notice. Prices quot­ed include entrance fees for vis­its of muse­ums and archae­o­log­i­cal sites (as spec­i­fied in itin­er­aries) and taxes.

NOT INCLUDED: All per­son­al expens­es (laun­dry, tele­phone, etc.) cost of drinks, min­er­al waters, after meal cof­fee and tea, tips, visa costs, sight­see­ing and ser­vices oth­er than those men­tioned in our itin­er­aries. If in doubt whether some­thing is includ­ed in the price of the tour, please inquire.


All our tours are guid­ed by pro­fes­sion­al guides licensed by the respec­tive gov­ern­ments of coun­tries vis­it­ed. Every tour might be guid­ed in more than one lan­guage. In the case of a force majeure (strikes, etc.) we reserve the right to use tour con­duc­tors instead of guides or to dis­trib­ute lit­er­a­ture describ­ing places vis­it­ed on our tours.


As specif­i­cal­ly men­tioned in each tour. In case of a force majeure and/or rea­sons beyond our con­trol and events that occur after the tour depar­ture, we reserve the right to mod­i­fy the rout­ing and alter the itineraries.

Lost Items

Small arti­cles, coats, wraps, umbrel­las, cam­eras, hand bags and any oth­er items that are car­ried on a motor­coach or pri­vate car are entire­ly under the care of the pas­sen­ger who is cau­tioned of the risk attached to these being left in con­veyances. Every effort will be made to retrieve lost or for­got­ten items; how­ev­er, the car­ri­er / and its agents, in no way can be held respon­si­ble if such items are not retrieved.


The trav­el agency respon­si­ble for these tours acts as agent for the own­ers or con­trac­tors pro­vid­ing means of trans­porta­tion or oth­er ser­vices, and all terms and con­di­tions under which means of trans­porta­tion or oth­er ser­vices are offered or pro­vid­ed, and the issuance and accep­tance of such tick­ets shall be deemed to be con­sent to the fur­ther con­di­tion that the trav­el agency and its agents in Greece and abroad shall not be or become liable or respon­si­ble in any way in con­nec­tion with such means of trans­porta­tion or oth­er ser­vices for any loss, injury or dam­age to or in respect of any per­son or prop­er­ty how­so­ev­er caused or aris­ing or to be oth­er­wise respon­si­ble for any dam­ages for any oth­er cause whatsoever.

Some important notes


Cloth­ing dur­ing the tour is casu­al. 
Admis­sion to Church­es vis­it­ed on our tours is not allowed to gen­tle­men wear­ing shorts and ladies wear­ing shorts, short skirts or blous­es not cov­er­ing the shoulders.

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