Trinidad Walking Tour

From: $66 Inc. VAT

Explore the “city that has stopped in time” on foot!

Tour at a glance

Tour type

Days of operation


Start time

9:00 a.m.

End time

1:00 p.m.



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Meals included


Drinks included


Minimum participants


About the tour

Walk­ing tour with your guide, to the “city that has stopped in time”. You will vis­it its nar­row streets and impor­tant places of inter­est and muse­ums, as well as its main parish. Typ­i­cal lunch to the sound of tra­di­tion­al Cuban music. In the after­noon vis­it of work­shops of local artists, time for the exchange and pur­chase of souvenirs.

Trinidad Walking Tour Main Attractions

Plaza Mayor (Main Square)

This charm­ing park lies at the town’s his­toric cen­ter and is sur­round­ed by hous­es that once belonged to sug­ar barons and oth­er wealthy res­i­dents of Trinidad.

Palacio Cantero (City Museum)

This unique his­to­ry muse­um is set in an impres­sive palace that was built by a sug­ar baron in 1830; it fea­tures dis­plays trac­ing the devel­op­ment of Trinidad, two rooms fur­nished with valu­able antiques, and a look­out plat­form at the top of the build­ing’s large tower.

Museo Romantico

Dis­play­ing a great vari­ety of pre­cious antiques that once belonged to Trinidad’s most promi­nent fam­i­lies, this muse­um is in a house that was built in 1808 for one such family.

Iglesia y Convento de San Fransisco

These remains of the orig­i­nal 18th-cen­tu­ry church and Fran­scis­can monastery include Trinidad’s most famous land­mark: a tall, yel­low bell tow­er that tourists can climb for a sweep­ing view of the city.

La Santisima Trinidad

This church was built in the late 1800s and has an impres­sive carved wood­en altar dec­o­rat­ed with elab­o­rate inlaid wood.

Though the moji­to has gained dis­tinc­tion as Cuba’s nation­al drink, vis­i­tors to Trinidad can enjoy anoth­er local spe­cial­ty drink called can­chan­chara, made of rum, lime juice, and hon­ey. A live­ly bar bear­ing the same name of the drink is locat­ed in an 18th-cen­tu­ry build­ing in the heart of Trinidad.


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