This is a land of enchant­i­ng con­trasts and friend­ly, cul­tured, inven­tive peo­ple whose hap­pi­ness is con­ta­gious. Cuba offers you bright col­ors, entic­ing tastes, joy­ous peo­ple, warm beach­es, love­ly nat­ur­al attrac­tions and fas­ci­nat­ing cities. This is a land of enchant­i­ng con­trasts and friend­ly, cul­tured, inven­tive peo­ple whose hap­pi­ness is con­ta­gious. Cuba offers you bright col­ors, entic­ing tastes, joy­ous peo­ple, warm beach­es, love­ly nat­ur­al attrac­tions and fas­ci­nat­ing cities.

(H2) In the land of revolution

This is a land of enchant­i­ng con­trasts and friend­ly, cul­tured, inven­tive peo­ple whose hap­pi­ness is contagious.

Cuba offers you bright col­ors, entic­ing tastes, joy­ous peo­ple, warm beach­es, love­ly nat­ur­al attrac­tions and fas­ci­nat­ing cities…

More than the sun and sand, more than its oth­er nat­ur­al attrac­tions, Cuba is its peo­ple and their his­to­ry. It is the mag­ic of its coun­try­side and of its cities, with their hid­den heritage.

Through our tours, we invite you to learn more about Cuba’s adven­tures, myths, leg­ends and real­i­ty – sec­ond­ed by its immense nat­ur­al, cul­tur­al and tourist attractions.

Cuba is an an ide­al place to tour.. Try one of our excur­sions, hikes, tours or cir­cuits to explore its green val­leys, moun­tains and forests, fol­low­ing labyrinthine paths filled with his­to­ry, lush veg­e­taion and the exquis­ite per­fume of sap.

Cuba’s cities have great archi­tec­tur­al diver­si­ty: more than five cen­turies of styles, includ­ing colo­nial, pre-baroque, baroque, neo-Goth­ic, neo­clas­si­cal, eclec­tic, art nou­veau, mod­ern and post-modern.

From the sea, enor­mous fortress­es wel­come you. At their feet you’ll find cob­ble­stone and asphalt streets, pil­lars, bal­conies, arch­es and balustrades – build­ings in a riot of styles.
Some of Cuba’s cities are like liv­ing muse­ums of tremen­dous enchant­ment; UNESCO has declared Trinidad, Cien­fue­gos and Havana to be parts ot world her­itage culture.

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(H2) In the land of revolution

This is a land of enchant­i­ng con­trasts and friend­ly, cul­tured, inven­tive peo­ple whose hap­pi­ness is contagious.

Cuba offers you bright col­ors, entic­ing tastes, joy­ous peo­ple, warm beach­es, love­ly nat­ur­al attrac­tions and fas­ci­nat­ing cities…

More than the sun and sand, more than its oth­er nat­ur­al attrac­tions, Cuba is its peo­ple and their his­to­ry. It is the mag­ic of its coun­try­side and of its cities, with their hid­den heritage.

Through our tours, we invite you to learn more about Cuba’s adven­tures, myths, leg­ends and real­i­ty – sec­ond­ed by its immense nat­ur­al, cul­tur­al and tourist attractions.

Cuba is an an ide­al place to tour.. Try one of our excur­sions, hikes, tours or cir­cuits to explore its green val­leys, moun­tains and forests, fol­low­ing labyrinthine paths filled with his­to­ry, lush veg­e­taion and the exquis­ite per­fume of sap.

Cuba’s cities have great archi­tec­tur­al diver­si­ty: more than five cen­turies of styles, includ­ing colo­nial, pre-baroque, baroque, neo-Goth­ic, neo­clas­si­cal, eclec­tic, art nou­veau, mod­ern and post-modern.

From the sea, enor­mous fortress­es wel­come you. At their feet you’ll find cob­ble­stone and asphalt streets, pil­lars, bal­conies, arch­es and balustrades – build­ings in a riot of styles.
Some of Cuba’s cities are like liv­ing muse­ums of tremen­dous enchant­ment; UNESCO has declared Trinidad, Cien­fue­gos and Havana to be parts ot world her­itage culture.

(H3) In the land of revolution

This is a land of enchant­i­ng con­trasts and friend­ly, cul­tured, inven­tive peo­ple whose hap­pi­ness is contagious.

Cuba offers you bright col­ors, entic­ing tastes, joy­ous peo­ple, warm beach­es, love­ly nat­ur­al attrac­tions and fas­ci­nat­ing cities…

More than the sun and sand, more than its oth­er nat­ur­al attrac­tions, Cuba is its peo­ple and their his­to­ry. It is the mag­ic of its coun­try­side and of its cities, with their hid­den heritage.

Through our tours, we invite you to learn more about Cuba’s adven­tures, myths, leg­ends and real­i­ty – sec­ond­ed by its immense nat­ur­al, cul­tur­al and tourist attractions.

Cuba is an an ide­al place to tour.. Try one of our excur­sions, hikes, tours or cir­cuits to explore its green val­leys, moun­tains and forests, fol­low­ing labyrinthine paths filled with his­to­ry, lush veg­e­taion and the exquis­ite per­fume of sap.

Cuba’s cities have great archi­tec­tur­al diver­si­ty: more than five cen­turies of styles, includ­ing colo­nial, pre-baroque, baroque, neo-Goth­ic, neo­clas­si­cal, eclec­tic, art nou­veau, mod­ern and post-modern.

From the sea, enor­mous fortress­es wel­come you. At their feet you’ll find cob­ble­stone and asphalt streets, pil­lars, bal­conies, arch­es and balustrades – build­ings in a riot of styles.
Some of Cuba’s cities are like liv­ing muse­ums of tremen­dous enchant­ment; UNESCO has declared Trinidad, Cien­fue­gos and Havana to be parts ot world her­itage culture.

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