Classic Havana City Tour

From: $97 Inc. VAT

The tour explores the main areas of the capital city of Cuba. It consists of a 1-hour classic American car ride through the panoramic municipalities of Playa and Vedado and a walking tour of the major attractions of Old Havana with a lunch in a local Cuban restaurant.

Your pick up location (exact address)

Telephone number in case of change/emergency:

Tour at a glance

Tour type

Days of operation


Start time

9:00 a.m.

End time

2:00 p.m.



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Meals included


Drinks included


Minimum participants


About the tour

This Havana city tour explores the top attrac­tions of the cap­i­tal city of Cuba. Get in a clas­sic Amer­i­can car for a panoram­ic Havana city tour of Havana through the munic­i­pal­i­ties of Veda­do and Playa. End the Havana City tour walk­ing among the major attrac­tions of Old Havana (Havana Vieja).

First of all you will dri­ve through the mod­ern sub­urbs of Havana which are Veda­do and Mira­mar. Then you will walk along the his­toric streets of Obis­po and Ofi­cios. Dur­ing the walk you will vis­it the the 4 impor­tant squares of the city that define the appear­ance of Old Havana. Plaza de Armas, Plaza de la Cat­e­dral, Plaza de San Fran­sis­co and Plaza Vieja.
At the end of this havana city tour you will enjoy typ­i­cal lunch in a local Cuban restaurant.

Havana City Tour Main Attractions

Arms Square (Plaza de Armas)

Havana’s old­est square used to be the mil­i­tary and gov­ern­ment nerve cen­ter of Havana. Today it is the city’s most lit­er­ary square.

Cathedral Square (Plaza de la Catedral)

This square takes its name from the Cathe­dral of Havana. The sur­round­ing ele­gant man­sions make this square one of Old Havana’s most beau­ti­ful spots!

Old Square (Plaza Vieja)

The “Old Plaza” was built in the 1500s and back then was the site of exe­cu­tions, pro­ces­sions, bull­fights and fies­tas. Recent ren­o­va­tions have helped make this square and its sur­round­ing struc­tures among the most beau­ti­ful in Havana.

San Fransisco Square (Plaza de San Fransisco)

The main land­mark of this square is the baroque 16th cen­tu­ry Igle­sia de San Fran­cis­co de Asís which is now a muse­um and con­cert hall.

Calle Obispo

Calle Obis­po is one of the best-known and most pleas­ant streets in Old Havana. This is the first street in Old Havana pedes­tri­an­ized and restored. Today it boasts a wide assort­ment of shops, cafes, and art displays.

Calle Oficios

This restored street that leads from Arms Square to San Fran­sis­co Square, used to be one of the first streets of the city. Today it hous­es a num­ber of shops and muse­ums and it is one of the most pop­u­lar streets in Old Havana.


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